501.BC Atomic/6–1947: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
3353. For the Secretary. Regret Embtel 31831 carried the implication that Bevin contemplated relating Hyde Park and Quebec documents with the question of international control of the development of atomic energy plants. This he did not contemplate doing. He merely referred to our present attitude toward those two documents as a matter which influenced the British approach to the question of international control.
[Page 525]I had inferred that you do not desire that definitive negotiations be conducted in London on either a British UN proposal or British request for information and that the purpose of the consultations here, unless other instructions are received, should be confined to persuading the British that they should not advance any UN proposal. (Deptel 2603, June 172).
We shall, of course, keep any UK request for information from US wholly separate from the larger question and will not discuss it with Bevin.
The remainder of your cable is very helpful.