501.BC Armaments/2–2447
The Under Secretary of State (Acheson) to the Assistant Secretary of War (Petersen)
Dear Mr. Petersen: I enclose a copy of a memorandum relating to the establishment of intra-governmental machinery for dealing with matters of policy relating to international control of atomic energy and the regulation of armaments.
I consider that this memorandum sets forth a satisfactory basis for the establishment of such machinery and am preparing to submit it to Secretary Marshall. In doing so, however, I should like to be able to inform him that I understand this proposal to be acceptable to the War and Navy Departments and to the Atomic Energy Commission. Could you therefore let me know at your early convenience whether [Page 419] the arrangement proposed in this memorandum will be satisfactory?1
I am sending identical letters to Mr. John L. Sullivan, Under Secretary of the Navy, and Mr. David Lilienthal, Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
Sincerely yours,
In his letter of reply, February 24, the Assistant Secretary of War stated the following: “Although the War Department would have preferred that interdepartmental coordination in this field be accomplished through the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee, we agree to the arrangement proposed in the memorandum.” (501.BC Armaments/2–2447). In a letter of February 21 David Lilienthal replied by expressing the agreement of the United States Atomic Energy Commission to the proposal (Department of State Disarmament Files). On March 3, Marshall proposed to the Secretaries of War and Navy and to the Chairman of the US AEC that the Executive Committee on the Regulation of Armaments be considered as formally constituted as of that date (501.BC Armaments/3–347). In a letter to Acheson, March 14, Secretary of the Navy Forrestal stated that he was in agreement with the proposed arrangements with the exception that he did not agree to the participation of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in dealing with matters of policy concerning the regulation of armaments other than atomic weapons (501.BC Armaments/3–1447).
The Executive Committee on the Regulation of Armaments first met on February 26, 1947; documentation generated by the Committee is located in the Disarmament Lot file, Department of State. The present memorandum and other correspondence relating to the establishment of the Committee was circulated within the Committee as RAC D–l, March 12, 1947 (Department of State Disarmament Files).
↩ - The enclosure does not accompany the file copy of the covering letter; the source text for the enclosure is contained in document RAC D–l, March 12, 1947 (Department of State Disarmament Files).↩