811.24523/6–646: Telegram
The Chargé in Peru (Donnelly) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:06 p.m.]
650. Conference held with President Bustamante 4 p.m. June 3. Handed him Spanish translation new agreement covering El Pato air base. President stated no objection formalizing agreement and he [Page 1217] was willing to sign document to be agreed upon during these negotiations with understanding that it would not become official until approved by Congress, which convenes July 28, 1946, and we could jointly operate under the temporary arrangement until formal agreement by Congress obtained.
After studying contract he suggested elimination some paragraphs and modification others. Stated immediately following conference he would meet with Acting Foreign Minister25 and Air Minister to determine if additional changes required. He worked with two Ministers until 2:30 a.m. June 4, and Mr. Donnelly and I called on him June 4th, 4 o’clock. Proposed changes in contract follow:26
- 1.
- Existing agreement should be terminated.
- 2.
- Air base should be delivered to Government of Peru.
- 3.
- New agreement should be in two parts:
- (1)
- General agreement for reciprocal use airports in both countries, etc.;
- (2)
- Second agreement would contain specific references to El Pato Talara air base in accordance with the authority contained first agreement.
[Here follow 11 other suggested changes including revision of the revenue allocation, war-time controls, and accessibility of Panama air bases to Peru.]