Relations of the United States and Panaina with regard to commerce, coinage, and consular services
[918] Memorandum by Mr. Murray M. Wise of the Division of Caribbean and Central American Affairs
[Washington,] January 15, 1946.
811.512319 Double/1–1546
[919] The Ambassador in Panama (Hines) to the Secretary of State
Panamá, February 23, 1946.
[Received March 6.]
[Received March 6.]
[920] The Ambassador in Panama (Hines) to the Secretary of State
Panamá, February 26, 1946.
[Received March 4.]
[Received March 4.]
[921] The Ambassador in Panama (Hines) to the Secretary of State
Panamá, May 28, 1946.
[Received June 3.]
[Received June 3.]
[922] The Acting Secretary of State to the Panamanian Ambassador (Vallarino)
Washington, June 17, 1946.
[923] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Special Projects Division (Clattenburg)
Washington, September 11, 1946.