823.30 Missions/1–2446: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Pawley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:42 p.m.]
94. On January 18, 1946 the Minister of Aviation8 called to inform me that he approves of the termination of the United States Naval Aviation Mission contract and the installation in July 1946 of a United States Army Air Force Mission. Speaking informally he indicated that the Peruvian Air Ministry will request that the new Army Air Force Mission include 2 or 3 naval aviation officers and that the total size of the Mission not exceed 10 officers with a proportionate number of enlisted personnel because of financial limitations. This information has been conveyed to General H. H. Arnold, Commanding General Army Air Forces, during his current visit in Lima.
[Page 1208]On January 19, 1946 General Arnold approved the following program for supplying military aircraft to Peru in implementation of the bilateral staff conferences:
- A.
- To be consigned to the American Ambassador and shipped Talara, Peru, for distribution at the rate the Peruvian Air Force can receive and maintain it, aircraft as enumerated in Embtel 64, Jan 19, 5 p.m.
- B.
- Maintenance and training literature sets, complete, sent at once to the Ambassador in order that the training may begin before the above airplanes arrive, also all training films for crews and pilots which are available as well as equipment for projection of same.
- C.
- A Spanish speaking officer should be sent at the command of a group of officers and enlisted personnel. This should be done at once to commence operations for pursuance of this project to the end. All officers and crews sent will be assigned to the US Naval Aviation Mission and will thereby provide a connecting link between the present Naval Aviation Mission and the replacement US Army Air Force Mission.
- D.
- Instructor pilots should make up 30 percent of the crew ferrying planes to Peru and top notch instructor mechanics who can successfully instruct Peruvians on the airplane maintenance should make up 30 percent of the enlisted crews sent.
- E.
- It is imperative that all necessary equipment for maintenance be sent, and that which is not available immediately should be sent as soon as possible, not to arrive any later than April 1.
- F.
- Tools and spare parts are available here only for the AT–6’s. It is, therefore, necessary to send 6 month’s supply of maintenance tools, spare parts, and engines required for ground handling as well as test equipment for all the airplanes listed above.
General Arnold has informed the War Dept on the above program in which the chief of the Naval Aviation Mission9 and the Embassy concur.