The Cuban Ambassador (Belt) to the Acting Secretary of State
Excellency: I have the honor to refer to notes Nos. 399 and 411 of August 2nd and 8th, 1945,45 respectively, which I addressed to Your Excellency, with respect to the desires expressed by my Government that, should it be possible, the establishment of new airlines for the transportation of persons, cargo and mail between Cuba and the United States be authorized.
Tourist trade, which has at previous times been a large source of income for the Cuban Treasury, and which is developing in an extraordinary manner in this post war period, finds my country in a disadvantageous position to enjoy its benefits fully, due principally to the lack of communications and suitable transportation.
Just as before the war there was regular steamship service that converged in Habana from New York, Miami, New Orleans, San Francisco and other American ports, which facilitated access to Cuba for the tourist current, the fact is that now there is no means of communication other than air transportation between Habana and Camagüey and Miami, which is manifestly insufficient, despite the number of additional flights with which the service has been increased in order to satisfy in a minimum proportion the demand for passage to Cuba.
On the other hand my Government is interested in obtaining for Cuba—at this time when Civil Aviation is organizing and extending [Page 737] its lines to all the countries of this hemisphere and of the whole world—the position which is due it among the most advanced nations because of its geographic location and its economic capacity.
Direct air service between the large centers of population located in the East and the Middle West of the United States and Cuba would bring noticeable advantages for the development of business and commercial exchange between our countries, since it would shorten the flight distance to a few hours, avoiding the delays and inconveniences of transfers in Miami. I understand that some of the pending applications submitted by aviation companies include the establishment of such services.
It is for the reasons which I have just set forth that I take the liberty of repeating to Your Excellency the pleasure with which my Government would regard the favorable decision in the near future by the pertinent authorities on the applications which some aviation companies have pending for the authorization to establish new lines between the United States and Cuba.46
I avail myself [etc.]
- Neither printed.↩
- The Secretary of State informed Ambassador Belt, in a note of April 10, 1946, that Foreign Air Carrier Permits, effective April 8, 1946, had been issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board to Compañia Cubana de Aviación, S.A. and Expreso Aereo Inter-Americano, S.A., authorizing the two Cuban companies to conduct air transportation of persons, property, and mail between Habana and Miami (811.79637/4–1046).↩