The Chargé in Cuba (Woodward) to the
Secretary of State
No. 1764
Habana, June 19, 1946.
[Received June
Sir: I have the honor to refer to past
correspondence regarding the former United States Army Air Force Bases
in Cuba, which were released to the Cuban Government on May 20, 1946,
and to enclose herewith a copy of the text of a report submitted by the
Military Attaché
[Page 710]
to his
Department, in which there is set forth the attitude verbally expressed
in a recent conference, by the Chief of the Cuban Army Air Force, with
respect to possible reciprocal use by forces of each nation of the Air
Bases pertaining to the other.26
It will be seen that while the attitude of the Cuban Army Air Force Chief
is reported as more than cordial, he has not yet been able to discuss
technical details at length, much less to express any views regarding
the possible basing on Cuban territory of American army aircraft or
stationing at bases in Cuba of U.S. Army Air Force personnel.
Respectfully yours,
Report by the Assistant Military Air
Attaché (Rigley)
Habana, June 17, 1946.
1. Colonel Camilo González Chávez, Chief of the Cuban Air Corps,
requested a conference with the MAA
office on the afternoon of 10 June 1946. The conference was attended
by Colonel Chávez; Captain Efrain Hernández, Cuban MA and MAA to the United States; Colonel Edgar E. Glenn, and
Lt. Colonel O. H. Rigley, Jr. At this conference Colonel Chávez
proposed that the United States and Cuba enter into a reciprocal
agreement for the use of military air bases in those two countries.
This proposal contemplates the unlimited use of air bases and
facilities by both countries without the necessity of previous
permission or information for the desired use of the air bases or
facilities. The proposal includes preferential treatment to military
personnel on immigration and customs regulations. Chávez stated that
as far as the Cuban Air Corps was concerned the agreement was
effective as of Monday, 10 June 1946, and that all U.S. military
aircraft, both Army and Navy, were welcome to use the Cuban air
bases as desired and that no previous notice of intended use of
these facilities was necessary.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Captain Efrain Hernández brought up the question of the Staff
Conferences between Cuba and the United States. He told Colonel
Chávez and this office that the U.S. War Department had informed
[Page 711]
him that no action would
be taken on the Staff Conferences until Cuba paid its lend-lease
debt. Colonel Chávez stated that he and the General Staff were in
favor of paying the lend-lease debt; that in fact the Army had been
authorized to pay the lend-lease debt, but that money had not been
appropriated for this expenditure.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AMAA Comment:
The reason Chávez is desirous of the reciprocal agreement is because
of embarrassment to Cuban pilots who have landed in the United
States and have been forced to pay in cash for services received,
such as gasoline, oil and minor repairs. This cash-on-the-barrelhead
system is embarrassing to the Cubans, and they desire more favorable
treatment in the United States. This reporter believes that the
agreement would be more advantageous to the United States, as U.S.
aircraft are more likely to use the Cuban bases than the Cuban
aircraft are to use AAF bases in the
United States. The only continental AAF bases in which the Cubans are particularly
interested are those at Miami and Washington and refueling stops
between Miami and Washington.
The Cubans realize now that the United States is not going to play
Santa Claus any longer and that they have no chance of receiving
additional equipment and aid from the United States, as outlined in
the Staff Conferences, until such time as the lend-lease debt is
paid. Cuba is able to pay its lend-lease debt without its economic
situation being affected. This reporter predicts a token payment
towards the lend-lease debt in the near future in order that Cuba
can maintain its prestige among the Latin American countries.
O. H. Rigley,
Lt. Colonel, A.