740.24112 RP/1–2546: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Adam)


131. Dept deplores attitude evidenced in the last paragraph urdes 2141 Jan 25 1946. True facts are IDPLC gave repeated and careful consideration Gundlach case because it realized so thoroughly implications for Emb and replacement program. IDPLC gave detailed account of inadequacies of reorganization so that Emb would appreciate IDPLC position, moreover, IDPLC suggested possible solution of impasse by suggesting Gundlach case could be reconsidered as part of overall plan.99

Fortunately Dept prevented distribution of your despatch to other agencies of Govt. Dept would have been most embarrassed if last paragraph had reached hands of IDPLC.

If Gundlach case is presented as part of an overall program pertinent info in despatch, omitting last paragraph will be brought to attention of IDPLC.

  1. In despatch 2385, March 14, 1946, the Chargé indicated his impression that the position of the IDPLC did not coincide with the views of the Department of State (740.24112 RP/3–1446).