824.00/6–1446: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Adam)
323. Urtel 527, June 14, noon.14 If the police actually entered the premises occupied by the Chancery you should seek an immediate interview with the Minister for Foreign Affairs15 and deliver to him a formal note of protest reading as follows:
“Excellency: Pursuant to telegraphic instructions received from my Govt I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Govt has learned with surprise that on several occasions on June 13 last uniformed members of the Bolivian National Police entered the premises of the US Emb Chancery at (address). My Govt was further informed that on one occasion the police endeavored to mount [Page 344] a machine gun on one of the balconies of the Chancery. These actions are contrary to the inviolability of the Emb, to which it is entitled under international law.
If such invasion of the Emb’s premises was directed or authorized by the Bolivian Govt, my Govt considers that it is incumbent upon the Bolivian Govt to make a suitable expression of regret and give assurance that it will not be repeated. If it was not so directed or authorized my Govt considers that steps should be immediately taken by the Bolivian Govt in order that the guilty police may be duly reprimanded and punished and that measures be taken to ensure that incidents of this kind shall not be repeated.”
Upon receiving telegraphic report from you concerning the delivery of the foregoing message and any statement which the Foreign Minister may have made to you at that time, the Dept will summon the Bolivian Amb16 and deliver to him a copy of note.