
The Ambassador in Colombia (Wiley) to the Secretary of State

No. 1393

Sir: …

Unfortunately, however, as I have pointed out in reports to the Department during the last year, the Colombians frankly regard the conflict between Argentina and the American family of nations as a conflict between Washington and Buenos Aires. Colombian super-sensitiveness with regard to intervention in any form inclines the [Page 203] Colombians to view the energetic policies pursued by the American Government with some suspicion and with very little sympathy. The only constructive thought in respect of the Argentine problem which I have recently encountered came from President Lleras47 (vide my telegram No. 84, of January 24, 1946, 2 pm48) in which he expressed the hope that if it was true that the United States possessed documentary evidence establishing Argentine guilt in respect of the Axis, “we can then do something”. By this, I believe, he had in mind a collective condemnation of Argentina.

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Respectfully yours,

John C. Wiley
  1. Alberto Lleras Camargo.
  2. Not printed.