832.24/9–546: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Messersmith)


1163. Dept released following to press September 5: “The Department of State has been informed by the American Embassy in Rio de Janeiro that Brazil is willing to approve cancellation of the Tripartite Agreement governing the export of rubber and rubber products to Argentina from the United States and Brazil. Brazil agrees, in advance of a formal exchange of notes45 among the three countries cancelling the agreement, that the United States may export tires to Argentina.” Release also included brief background on agreement. Release did not mention quantities but Dept separately requested OIT until further notice not to license more than following quantities new and factory reject tires for export Argentina: 12,000 truck, 60,000 [Page 150] passenger. Dept did not take position as to whether these quantities represent Argentina’s tire requirements. Of three notes mentioned Deptel 1146 Aug 3146 important notes US Argentina and US Brazil be exchanged soonest. Emb requested report now when signing expected. Timing of Brazil Arg note obviously outside control US and other two notes are not to be delayed awaiting its signing.

  1. The Embassy in Buenos Aires was advised in telegram 1226, September 26, 1946, 7 p.m., that Brazil and the United States had exchanged notes cancelling the Tripartite Agreement (832.24/9–2646). Argentina joined in this action on October 1, 1946, according to telegram 2284, October 9, 1946, 5 p.m., from Buenos Aires (832.24/10–946).
  2. Not printed.