The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
[Received 12:33 p.m.]
266. Depcirtel April 30.31 All organized German propaganda media completely liquidated.
See Embassy’s despatches ending 7203 April 2331 for status of schools. Sociedad Escolar Alemana PL has given satisfactory buyer option at 247,500 pesos on Liceo Alemán building and equipment evaluated by buyer at 400,000 pesos. Sale is possible within 2 weeks Uruguyan Govt to block net proceeds in joint account.
Club Alemán PL is becoming inactive thru sale of premises to satisfactory buyer (Govt, will block residual 20,000 pesos).
Cámara de Comercio Alemana PL and Choral Society own no real property and are inactive.
Círculo Alpinista PL inactive but owns club building.
Liga Deportiva Alemán PL and Círculo Alemán PL own real property and remain active with small membership.
Rafael Schiaffino, Minister of Industry and Labor, and Daniel Castellanos, Minister of Public Instruction.31 Not printed.
[Page 1281]Activities of Asociación Cultural Germano Uruguaya restricted principally to instruction German language. Recently made effort to increase current membership of about 65.
German church with predominantly PL membership and Nazi Party member pastor and Sociedad Alemana de Socorros Mutos are active. Embassy has made no direct effort to destroy them thru PL.
Glider Club liquidated.
Federation of German Societies Association of German engineers and veterans organization appear inactive but cannot be said to have ceased to exist.
Association for aid of needy Germans whose activities were highly political during war continues to operate but with less funds.
PL is principal repressive agent of above organizations and its withdrawal would permit resurgence in absence of adequate local controls outlook for which Embassy’s despatch 7070 March 2132 and A–139 April 25 is not encouraging.