The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson)
72. Reurtel 110, Feb 17.21 You may inform Pres Amezaga that our Ger investigations to date have necessarily been concentrated on sources pertaining directly to Ger-Arg affairs; hence, we do not yet know what documentary and other evidence pertaining directly to Uruguay is available. If you deem it useful you may inform him however that an informed official of the Ger Foreign Office has stated “The SD brought Brinckmann22 together with the agent Bove Trabal who functioned as a courier from Uruguay and brought information from there, which information the SD and Brinckmann shared, Brinckmann [Page 1278] using it for the Arg Army and the SD for Ger.” Blue Book23 identifies Brinckmann.
We will be glad to make available further data as it is uncovered.