Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Minutes of Meeting Between General Marshall and General Yu Ta-wei at No. 5 Ning Hai Road, Nanking, September 6, 1946, 10:30 a.m.
Also present: | Colonel Caughey |
General Yu Ta Wei presented General Marshall with a brief case history of 7.92 ammunition (enclosed) and a copy of the reply which the Chinese Government had received from Washington (enclosed).41 General Yu stated that he did not like the reply and still felt that it was a low level State Department decision. General Marshall said he would look into the matter.42
[Page 153]General Yu said that the Generalissimo would like to know what was the status of Doctor Stuart’s small group; specifically, is General Chou insisting on simultaneous discussion of cease fire arrangements?
General Marshall told General Yu that General Chou was insisting on simultaneous discussion of political and military matters. He (General Chou) wanted to be assured that a cease-fire order would be issued if a satisfactory solution was arrived at in Doctor Stuart’s small group.
General Marshall continued that there is still a hope of resolving this matter and added that the numerous statements issued by Government spokesmen in the form of propaganda is making solution increasingly difficult.
General Yu said he felt that General Chou must have received, recently, new instructions from Yenan which have caused him to stiffen his attitude with respect to the current negoti[ati]ons.
General Yu said he was greatly concerned over the fact that National Forces had continued demobilization but that the Communists apparently had not. General Yu added that this was placing the Government in the difficult position of taking care of persons demobilized, particularly officers, and also in an unfair position since the Communists had demobilized none of their troops. General Yu said he would give General Marshall a copy of the current dispositions of National Forces.