Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Colonel Marshall S. Carter to General Marshall
84773. The War Department is now preparing its agenda of legislation for enactment by the next Congress, due to convene in January. State Department is probably doing the same although they have not yet contacted me. Question is the priority, importance, and amount of pressure, that should be placed on the Aid to China Bill. Unless this legislation is passed, the United States will soon be in a position where it will be legally impossible to assist the Chinese Government with an advisory group or essential supplies for their long range peacetime army program. Accordingly I have advised the working levels in the War Department that the proposed legislation was extremely important and should have a high priority, but that the amount of pressure could not now be determined since it would depend to a large extent on the political situation in China and possible effect on your mission at the time pressure is to be applied.
Please advise me of your views in the matter.