893.00/9–2746: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 27—12:40 a.m.]
1547. Communist spokesman Wang Ping-nan, Sept 25, commenting on Soviet statement to UN Security Council said: “One nation’s civil war can affect international peace. That is why we [are] doing utmost to bring about cessation hostilities so as to achieve complete realization of Truman’s December 15 statement and the Moscow Foreign Ministers’ Conference decisions.” Asked if that implied Communist concurrence with Gromyko’s statement, Wang said: “Gromyko has his own reasons for his statement.”
Regarding reports that the Communists are planning to submit the China issue to the United Nations Security Council, Wang replied, “We have not yet considered this question.” Questioned about whether the Communists expect Soviet aid to counter US aid to the National Govt, Wang said, “No, we never counted on outside help during the Japanese war. Similarly we will not pin our hope on others in the future”.