Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Draft of Directive Regarding the Movement of Field Teams, Prepared by Brigadier General Henry A. Byroade

This message from the Committee of Three is addressed to the three commissioners of Executive Headquarters. The following agreement has been reached by the Committee of Three and will be placed in effect without delay.

It is agreed that effective implementation of the cessation of hostilities agreements reached by this committee or by the commissioners [Page 834] of Executive Headquarters requires that field teams of Executive Headquarters be permitted to investigate without delay any violation of such agreements as may be reported to them.

To insure prompt investigation of such reported violations, it is agreed that:

The movement of field teams shall not be delayed or obstructed in any way by military or civilian officials of either the National Government or the Communist Party.
Areas for investigation and the priority thereof should normally be as agreed between the members of a field team after full consideration of the overall situation within the area under jurisdiction of the team. In case of disagreement on this matter between members of a field team after such deliberation it is agreed that the American member as chairman of the team may render decision which will be obeyed by all members of the team. This authority granted the American chairman extends only to selection of areas for investigation and the priority thereof and does not prejudice in any way the unanimous agreement principle on any action to be taken as a result of such investigation.

This agreement is signed by General Hsu Yung-Chang, representative of the National Government, General Chou En-lai, representative of the Communist Party and General G. C. Marshall, United States representative.

[Signature in Chinese]
General Hsu Yung-chang

Representative of the National Government
[blank space for signature]
General Chou En-lai

Representative of the Chinese Communist Party
G. C. Marshall

General G. C. Marshall

United States Representative