Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
General Marshall to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.
83602. Reference your 444, April 6. If you can force an agreement early next week then I consider that you should delay the departure of the Committee of Three until you reach that agreement. However, I think it might be fatal to delay over a longer period in making your appearance in Manchuria even though you have not a complete basis of agreement. The teams are there and the trouble is there and we can’t just sit back and let that affair stew. You will have to use strong measures to bring about a sufficient understanding to go ahead.
[Page 738]I am inclined to think that Byroade cannot further negotiate effectively on this matter without the presence of your rank and prestige.
Another subject: Chou in his public statements is recommending against any loans, etcetera, to China until the Kuomintang Central Committee has carried out in good faith the agreements of the PCC. I am proceeding here on the basis that to do at this moment what he recommends would be cutting the ground from under the Gimo who is having a struggle with the recalcitrant members of the Central Government. What is your view on this?