Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Marshall
453. Organization of the Committee of Three again in state of flux. General Chang Chih Chung was ordered to Sinkiang by the Generalissimo over my protest on 29 March. Several days ensued, in spite of my insistence to the contrary, before Generalissimo appointed General Chen Cheng.
General Chen Cheng is a sick man and although I met with him individually on three occasions and conference on two occasions he has now been removed from the Committee by the Generalissimo on account of his health. General Yu Ta Wei was pinchhitting for and assisting General Chen Cheng, but he now tells me he does not desire to serve on the committee and so recommended to the Generalissimo because he is “A military man with no ability towards political negotiation.”
This afternoon I met Chen Cheng who graciously volunteered to carry on until new man is appointed. He is seeing Chou in the morning to attempt to lay ground work for Manchuria solution. In meantime I have asked Generalissimo for prompt replacement.
Communists interpret Chen’s removal as a stall in furtherance of a “wait and see” policy with respect to the Manchurian situation. Chou is also concerned over three recent incidents:
- (1)
- Four-hour detention of 40 Communist team members upon arrival Mukden Airfield on pretext of lacking proper credentials. Byroade resolved matter locally and Robertson is fixing up credentials.
- (2)
- Arrest and detention in Peiping of several staff and newspaper Communist personnel. Have not gotten report from Robertson as yet but am informed by Communists that all personnel are now released.
- (3)
- Eight CAF fighters buzzed Yenan for half hour 3 days ago.