Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Press Release Issued by the Chinese Central News Agency

Communist Claim Unacceptable, Says Gen. Chang

Canton, Feb. 12 (Central): “I cannot accept the Communist contention that bands of roving bandits and former puppet and Japanese troops still at large in Kwangtung are regular units of the Communist army,” said General Chang Fah-kwei, Director of the Generalissimo’s Headquarters at Canton, at a press conference held here this afternoon. He said he had received no information whatsoever regarding the existence of regular Communist troops in any area under his control.

To accept the claim, the general said, would mean that all bandits and law-breakers throughout the province would come under the Communist banner and could continue their depredations with impunity. Peace in Kwangtung could never be restored then.

This is the first press conference given to local pressmen by General Chang Fah-kwei since the abolition of the 2nd Area Army Headquarters, of which he was the Commander, and the establishment of the Generalissimo’s Headquarters on February 1.