Memorandum by Mr. Fraser Wilkins of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs10
[Washington,] December 27, 1946.
According to Lehrs, Basel, the World Zionist Congress passed the following resolutions, summarized below:
- (1)
- Rejecting Morrison–Grady proposals even as basis for discussion.
- (2)
- Denouncing existing British regime in Palestine as contrary to civilized concepts of law and order.
- (3)
- Condemning present British immigration policy and pledging support of Zionist movement to all Jews seeking salvation in Palestine.
- (4)
- Expressing solidarity with Jews detained in Cyprus.
- (5)
- Expressing admiration of the firm stand of Jews in Palestine in opposing White Paper policy and confidence in their continued fortitude and discipline.
- (6)
- Demanding Palestine be established as Jewish commonwealth and open to Jewish immigration.
- (7)
- Rejecting White Paper policy as a violation of Jewish historic rights acknowledged in Balfour Declaration and Mandate.
- (8)
- Affirming necessity and moral compulsion of Jews in Palestine resisting present British policy there and promising them support of Zionist movement in struggle for right to immigration, settlement and self-defense.
- (9)
- Instructing Executive persevere in exploring possibility of Jewish-Arab understanding.
- (10)
- Disapproving terrorism as means of political warfare.
- (11)
- Declining United Nations Trusteeship as possible successor to present mandate and declaring Jewish statehood as only acceptable regime should mandate terminate.
- (12)
- Expressing appreciation to American President, Congress and people for advocacy of admission to Palestine of Jewish refugees and support of Zionist cause.
- (13)
- Resolving that in existing circumstances Zionist movement cannot participate in London conference but that if change should take place in situation Council shall consider and decide re participation.
- (14)
- Expressing gratitude to World Christian Committee and others for promoting sympathy of non-Jewish world to Zionist movement.
- (15)
- Repudiating activities of Hebrew Committee for National Liberation, American League for Free Palestine, Palestine Emergency Committee and similar unauthorized bodies.
- (16)
- Protesting deportation Jews from Palestine to tropical Africa.
- (17)
- Claiming share German reparations.
- Addressed to the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) and to Messrs. Merriam and Wilson.↩