
Memorandum by Mr. Fraser Wilkins of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs10

According to Lehrs, Basel, the World Zionist Congress passed the following resolutions, summarized below:

Rejecting Morrison–Grady proposals even as basis for discussion.
Denouncing existing British regime in Palestine as contrary to civilized concepts of law and order.
Condemning present British immigration policy and pledging support of Zionist movement to all Jews seeking salvation in Palestine.
Expressing solidarity with Jews detained in Cyprus.
Expressing admiration of the firm stand of Jews in Palestine in opposing White Paper policy and confidence in their continued fortitude and discipline.
Demanding Palestine be established as Jewish commonwealth and open to Jewish immigration.
Rejecting White Paper policy as a violation of Jewish historic rights acknowledged in Balfour Declaration and Mandate.
Affirming necessity and moral compulsion of Jews in Palestine resisting present British policy there and promising them support of Zionist movement in struggle for right to immigration, settlement and self-defense.
Instructing Executive persevere in exploring possibility of Jewish-Arab understanding.
Disapproving terrorism as means of political warfare.
Declining United Nations Trusteeship as possible successor to present mandate and declaring Jewish statehood as only acceptable regime should mandate terminate.
Expressing appreciation to American President, Congress and people for advocacy of admission to Palestine of Jewish refugees and support of Zionist cause.
Resolving that in existing circumstances Zionist movement cannot participate in London conference but that if change should take place in situation Council shall consider and decide re participation.
Expressing gratitude to World Christian Committee and others for promoting sympathy of non-Jewish world to Zionist movement.
Repudiating activities of Hebrew Committee for National Liberation, American League for Free Palestine, Palestine Emergency Committee and similar unauthorized bodies.
Protesting deportation Jews from Palestine to tropical Africa.
Claiming share German reparations.

  1. Addressed to the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) and to Messrs. Merriam and Wilson.