867N.01/12–1646: Telegram

The Ambassador in Egypt (Tuck) to the Secretary of State


1963. Mytel 1901, December 5.8 Secretary General of Arab League has now handed me note dated December 7 incorporating Arab League’s declaration on Palestine based on decision League Council December 2 and requesting me to transmit it to Secretary of State. Text of declaration follows.

“The Council of the League of Arab States now in session has discussed American intervention in Palestine affairs in recent months and the disturbing effects of the various declarations and statements made by the President of the U.S. as well as the efforts the President is exerting with the British Govt in this direction, and has decided to draw the attention of the Govt of the US of America to the great anxiety these declarations and efforts are causing throughout the Arab States and the Moslem world and their adverse effects on the excellent relations which the govts of member states of the Arab League are desirous of maintaining between them and the US Govt.

The Council has also discussed the efforts now being exerted in the regions under American occupation in Europe in an endeavour to encourage and facilitate Zionist immigration into Palestine and requests the US Govt to take measures necessary to ensure that an end is put to such acts, which are capable of no other interpretation [Page 732] than taking sides with one of the parties to the dispute between the Arabs and the Jews, a dispute which is still under examination and study in the hope of reaching an honorable and just settlement, leading to the elimination of the causes of the present extremely difficult situation, thus paving the way to a reign of calm and tranquility and consolidating the foundations of peace, so dear to the hearts of all nations, led by the US with all the high principles which it champions.”

If Dept perceives no objection I intend informally to acknowledge note and inform Secretary General that it has been forwarded.

Please instruct. Full text of note by pouch.

  1. Not printed; it reported information from the Iraqi Foreign Minister that the Arab League’s decision to protest against President Truman’s interference in Palestine arose from a desire to relieve American pressure on the British (890B.00/12–546). In airgram A–540, December 3, 1946, the Ambassador advised that the League had recommended that its member states instruct the heads of their delegations at the United Nations to inform President Truman and members of his Cabinet that the Arab states were disturbed and distressed at the President’s continuous interference in the affairs of Palestine (890B.00/12–346).