891.00/12–2046: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Allen)
1054. Now that Iran Govt has been able reassert authority over Azerbaijan we hope Qavam will adopt conciliatory attitude toward people that province and refrain from repressive or retaliatory measures against Russians, Azerbaijanis and Kurds. We believe that granting of general amnesty and limiting of punishment to judicial process against few guilty leaders would have good effect on world opinion and tend to counter Soviet statements that Iran is reactionary.
We feel that Qavam has splendid opportunity at this point to show statesmanlike qualities, mold Iran into homogeneous nation and put into effect reforms which he has stated are basis of his program and in general lead Iran toward a fuller life for the people and an improved place among the United Nations. It would be regrettable if through inaction or lack of publicity Soviet view that political trend in Iran is retrograde should gain currency in world. To prevent this we feel Qavam should lose no time in announcing and giving full publicity to a clear-cut program of social, constitutional and tribal reform which will leave no doubt that Iran is looking forward and not backward. In this connection we believe Qavam should refrain to extent possible from suppressing opposition parties and press but rather should encourage democratic processes and establishment of responsible press through positive leadership and by issuing official clarifying statements where misstatements have been made or truth distorted.
You may in your discretion make these views known to Qavam.