891.00/12–646: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Allen)

secret   us urgent
most immediate   niact

1012. For your confidential info Iranian Amb states following communication sent to SYG, UN, N.Y. Dec. 5:

“Sir: In connection with the dispute arising out of the interferences [Page 555] in the internal affairs of Iran previously complained of, I have the honour to submit for the attention of the Security Council a report respecting the present state of affairs in the Province of Azerbaijan. No request for action is made at the present time, though it will be apparent that the decision of the Security Council to continue seized of this question should remain unchanged. The purpose of the report is to keep the Security Council informed of the further consequences of the interferences previously complained of. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Hussein Ala, Iranian Ambassador and Representative of Iran before the Security Council.”

Attachment. “His Excellency, The Honorable Herschel V. Johnson, President of the Security Council, Lake Success, New York. Sir: My Government has instructed me to submit this report in connection with the complaints previously made to the Security Council against interferences in the internal affairs of Iran. It will be recalled that a result of these interferences is that the Central Government has been denied the exercise of effective control in the Province of Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, in spite of every effort to remove by conciliatory means the consequences of these interferences, the Central Government has not yet been able to re-establish its authority in that Province.

Elections to provide for the selection of the Madjless, our National Legislature, have been called to take place throughout Iran beginning December 7th. In order to assure that the election procedures are duly followed, it has been arranged that military forces shall be stationed in all the provinces of Iran. Those in control of affairs in Azerbaijan have objected to the entry of such Government forces into that Province. The Soviet Ambassador at Teheran, acting under instructions from his Government, has given friendly admonition that the movement of Government forces into this part of Iran may result in disturbances within that Province and on the Persian borders adjacent to Russia, and advised that the Government’s plans be abandoned.

It is, of course, the duty of my Government to exercise its sovereign responsibilities, and to assure that the elections are carried out impartially in Azerbaijan as well as in the rest of Iran; and my Government for that purpose must station its troops in Azerbaijan no less than in other parts of the Country. It is hoped that this will not be used as a pretext for hostile demonstrations, but my Government will not fail to take the action necessary to maintain law and order throughout Iran, even though disturbances may be threatened.

The decision of the Security Council to remain seized of the questions raised by the complaints of Iran has demonstrated its concern regarding the consequences of the interferences that have occurred in the past. My Government has, therefore, felt it to be its duty to furnish the information contained in this report in order that the Council may be in a position better to interpret the course of events in the Northwestern portion of my Country. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Hussein Ala, Iranian Ambassador and Representative of Iran before the Security Council.”

Sent Tehran rptd London, 8064, Moscow 2093.
