891.00/12–346: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 3—10:32 a.m.]
1548. Deptel 993, December 2, 10 p.m., reached the Embassy about 10 this morning and I called on Prime Minister at noon. He was highly appreciative of the views expressed and considered them outstandingly forthright and helpful. He asked to be permitted to take notes. My translator helped him make notes but my representations were oral.
At end of conversation Qavam said he intended immediately to instruct his representative to the United Nations to notify Secretary General, for information of Security Council, situation regarding Azerbaijan. He gave every indication of intention to follow closely points suggested by Department. While his communication will probably be worded in as conciliatory manner as regards Soviet Union as is feasible in circumstances, he said he was anxious to notify Council fully regarding situation.
I pointed out at beginning of conversation that Dept was not entirely clear regarding precise questions on which he wished advice and assurances, in view of some difference between reports of British Ambassador and my own.
Qavam said some difference was natural since he had talked with each of us for 2 hours and there would not only be some inevitable variation in his words and in translations but also in our drafting. He said what he wanted to know in essence was reaction of American Govt to present situation in Iran and our advice regarding course we felt Iranian Govt should best pursue to maintain its independence. He said Depths reply covered questions he had in mind perfectly.
During discussion Qavam said he had not intended to press us for views regarding his decision to send forces into Azerbaijan, because lie had decided he must do so anyway, but he welcomed our concurrence.
It is clearly Qavam’s present intention to follow up matter in Security Council along lines suggested in paragraph 3 of Department’s telegram under reference, if Soviet support of Azerbaijan makes this course appropriate. I did not wish to inquire closely regarding military operations but would guess that Government intends to move within week or 10 days.
[Page 554]May I express my own appreciation for clarity and forthrightness of telegram under reference. While delay in transmission my 153627 was regrettable and I hope reason therefor can be clarified to determine future reliability of SSU channel, Dept’s promptness in replying prevented embarrassment here.