740.00119 Council/10–346: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State


4962. Delsec 1025. For the Acting Secretary from the Secretary. I feel we should extend economic help to the Iranian Government through sales of non-combat surplus property if any is available and through an Eximport Bank credit. In the light of my limited knowledge of the present situation in Iran I should not believe it wise to supply combat material (as suggested by Qavam in Tehran’s telegram No. 1293 to Department90). Any contrary decision should be given most careful prior consideration.

Repeated Tehran 19.91

  1. Dated September 30, p. 518.
  2. In telegram 1322, October 5, the Ambassador in Tehran reported that the substance of Mr. Byrnes’ telegram had been conveyed to the Iranian Minister (891.00/10–546).