740.00119 Council/10–146: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris
us urgent
5214. Secdel 1027. We are somewhat disturbed here by recent trend events in Iran. Situation, we feel, holds elements threat to international peace and security through possible involvement UK and USSR in protracted Iranian civil war. Even if such possibility should not materialize, outcome present situation cannot fail to be detrimental to Iranian sovereignty, UN principles and US policy objectives. Result might well be either division Iran into sphere of influence or domination Iran by single foreign power.
We feel that best possible hope preserving Iranian independence would be to strengthen Qavam’s hand by positive show US interest in Iran through full implementation our declared policy of economic assistance. For example, Iran has requested Exim Bank loan for development purposes,89 including irrigation projects, modernization transportation, water works and electricity for Tehran. Am[erican] firm is about to make overall economic survey as part comprehensive program for economic and social development, to be carried out by Am companies. While Qavam has pleaded for US economic assistance on many occasions, Allen has so far been unable give effective assurances due to our hitherto narrow concept of economic aspects our Iranian policy.
It seems to us not unnatural that in absence material assistance from disinterested friendly power Qavam should yield to selfish foreign pressures. We should welcome any views you may wish to give for our guidance.
- In note No. 1394, September 9, 1946, from the Iranian Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State, not printed. The four projects enumerated in the note involved a total expenditure of 2,800 million rials, the equivalent of about $85 million, and called for a loan of about $45 to $50 million. (891.51/9–946)↩