Record of Meeting of the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, September 25, 1946, 10:30 a.m.
Present: | The Acting Secretary of State, Mr. Clayton |
The Secretary of War, accompanied by Assistant Secretary, Howard Petersen | |
The Secretary of the Navy, accompanied by Under Secretary of the Navy Sullivan and Captain Dennison82a | |
Mr. Hickerson |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Sullivan inquired how the Secretary’s telegram quoted above83 affects the Yugoslav situation. Mr. Clayton replied that he did not think it had any effect on the Yugoslav situation since we have not extended any credit to Yugoslavia and do not contemplate doing so. Mr. Sullivan inquired whether the Secretary’s telegram did not have in mind UNRRA assistance to Yugoslavia and Mr. Clayton replied that he felt sure that the Secretary had in mind only actions of the United States Government and not activities of international organizations like UNRRA.84 There followed a general discussion of this point. Mr. Forrestal said that he still felt that something should be done if possible to end this anomalous situation in which the United States was paying for 72 percent of the UNRRA program to a country which is manifestly unfriendly to us. He pointed out that there are still large quantities of goods to go to Yugoslavia under the UNRRA program. Mr. Clayton said that he did not like this situation either but that any action to be taken to end it should be taken by UNRRA itself. He said that the Central Committee of UNRRA could perhaps [Page 959] review the programs previously planned by it for certain countries to determine whether mistakes in allocations had been made but that the initiative should be taken by the Central Committee itself. He added that he was by no means certain that the Central Committee could obtain the votes to alter the programs already approved at this late date.
- Capt. Robert L. Dennison, Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (Politico-Military Affairs).↩
- Reference is to telegram 4787, Delsec 986, September 24, from Paris; for text, see vol. vii, p. 223.↩
- With regard to this subject, telegram 4865, September 27, 1946, from the Secretary in Paris to Acting Secretary Clayton read as follows: “I have noted press reports to the effect that UNRRA shipments are now moving to Yugoslavia. While I do not want to cancel any definite agreements I am convinced that a fair review of this situation by UNRRA would bring to light the fact that these supplies are not needed. I have in mind the recent case of Czechoslovakia where 10 million dollars worth of material supposedly needed in that country was being diverted elsewhere. I would like to have done everything consistent with our obligations to slow down shipments to Yugoslavia.” (850.40 UNRRA/9–2746)↩