740.00119 Control (Italy)/9–1946: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Patterson)
629. In concert your Brit Colleague, you should protest to FonOff re continued illegal crossings of Morgan Line by Yugo patrols from Zone B, and terroristic actions carried out thereby against Allied forces and population of Zone A. While such incidents have occurred at many points along Morgan Line, they have been especially numerous north of Gorizia, as illustrated by following episodes: [Page 957]
- 1.
- On June 19, two US soldiers investigating report of mg fire in area of San Lucia were surrounded by Yugo troops, armed with automatic weapons, at point in Zone A west of Yugo road block. Yugo troops insisted that US soldiers should go to see Yugo commanding officer, and despite their protests latter were taken to Tolmino where they were questioned and searched. Subsequently, they were taken to Bacci di Modrga, where, after appearing before interrogation board, they were confined in cellar with a mattress and blanket each. They remained in confinement, being fed only on soup, coffee and bread three times daily, until June 23 when they were moved to better and cleaner quarters, allowed to wash and shave, and given rations and bedding which Yugo authorities said came from UNRRA. On June 24 US soldiers were escorted back across Morgan Line and released.
- 2.
- On or about July 10 Yugo patrol crossed into Zone A and abducted five members of Gaberscek family (Ivan, Franc, Stanislav and Luigia) and three members of Skocir family (Stanislav, Rosina and Josip). At conference near Ursina on July 13 between Major Murrell, AUS, and Yugo Officers, latter declared these seven persons “were working in the fields when taken into custody—also they had pro-democratic literature and posters on their persons. When approached, they resisted arrest and therefore had to be turned over to higher authority.” Yugos also claimed persons were in Zone B at time of arrest, but subsequently admitted that US map proved they were in Zone A, and agreed to endeavor to obtain their release.
- Arrest of these persons was also confirmed by HQ Yugo Military Mission on August 2, but no info was given as to reason therefor.
- 3.
- During period of April to Aug, six members of civil police (on one occasion together with a Brit soldier) were abducted from points in Zone A near Morgan line. In same period, two members of civil police were arrested while in Zone B on authorized visit. Likewise, three school teachers, two of whom were women, were abducted from Zone A, and two of them kept in prison at Ljubjlana for about 3 months.
- 4.
- Latest incident to come to attention of Allied authorities is abduction near Canale on Aug 5 of a civilian, Stanko Bremec, presumably because of his refusal to transport anti-Allied propaganda material between Zones B and A.
This Govt expects that Yugo Govt will take necessary steps to reprimand Yugo military personnel responsible for illegal arrest and detention of US soldiers, and will issue such instructions as may be necessary to stop illegal crossing of Morgan Line by Yugo patrols and molestations in Zone A of local populace. This Govt also expects [Page 958] that persons abducted from Zone A will be released and allowed to return to their homes.
Sent Belgrade as 629, rptd to Paris for Secdel as 985.