711.75/4–1546: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative in Albania (Jacobs)41
us urgent
76. Urtel 216 Apr 15 and despatch 190 Apr 15.42 Reply to Gen Hoxha’s communication of April 12, 1946, requesting clarification of radio and press reports concerning Senate Foreign Committee resolution on Northern Epirus should be made in sense of following memorandum:
Begin Memorandum: Govt of US refers to communication of April 12, 1946, in which Gen Hoxha asserts desire of Albanian regime to remove misunderstandings that might prejudice relations between US and Albania and requests clarification of reports by Radio London, Reuters, and American press regarding resolution presented in US Senate Foreign Relations Committee concerning “Northern Epirus” (Southern Albania). US Govt, motivated by equal desire to eliminate any misapprehensions which might stand in way of early resumption of normal relations between US and Albania, invites General Hoxha’s attention to the following facts in this connection:
- 1.
- On February 19, 1945, Senator Pepper submitted
following resolution which was referred to Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations:
“Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that Northern Epirus (including Corytsa) and the twelve islands of the Aegean Sea, known as the Dodecanese [Page 21] Islands, where a strong Greek population predominates, should be awarded by the peace conference to Greece and become incorporated in the territory of Greece.”
- 2.
- Foregoing resolution was reported out of committee, without amendment, on March 27, 1946. Senate has to date taken no action on resolution.
- 3.
- It is prerogative of US Senate to express its views on any matter it so desires.
- 4.
- However, action taken by Senate in such an instance is not to be construed as indicating attitude of Executive Branch of US Govt as to merits, pro or con, of substance of proposals in question. End Memorandum.43
- This telegram was repeated to United States delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers at Paris as 2188, Secdel 212, and to Caserta as 133.↩
- Telegram 216, April 15, 1946, from Tirana, reported receipt of a note dated April 12 from Hoxha requesting clarification of reports regarding a resolution passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee expressing sympathy for Greek claims to Northern Epirus (711.75/4–1546). The text of Hoxha’s note was transmitted to the Department with despatch 190, April 15, from Tirana, neither printed (711.75/4–1546).↩
- Telegram 275, May 15, 1946, from Tirana, reported that this memorandum had been sent to Hoxha on May 11 (711.75/5–1546).↩