740.00119 Council/4–2646: Telegram
The Representative in Albania (Jacobs) to the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers in Paris
[Received April 26—12:16 p.m.]
9. For Dunn. You already have my telegram 8, April 23 (repeated to Dept as 234)38 commenting on Albanian Greek frontier problem.
After study this problem feel Greek claim not only unwarranted but approval that claim would make it impossible for Albania to exist economically as independent state to which US committed itself in Secretary Hull’s statement in December 1942.39
Satisfactory solution might be given [give?] Dodecanese Islands to Greece who would drop claim for northern Epirus. This was one solution proposed after last world war but Italy seized Dodecanese so [Page 20] that Greece lost both northern Epirus and those islands. This arrangement would be just to both parties and at same time make difficult for Soviet to press its claim for Dodecanese as by so doing she would prejudice Albania’s claim to its present frontiers.
As corollary to foregoing, provision should be made for minorities on either side of border to those [choose?] whether they wish remain or be repatriated with further provision that repatriation arrangements be carried out under UNO auspices.
If we could take lead in being first to suggest foregoing solution, it would help restore some our lost prestige here because even our friends are aroused over Pepper resolution.40
Repeated to Department as 239.
- In telegram 234, April 23, 1946, from Tirana, repeated to Paris as No. 8, Jacobs urged that the Council of Foreign Ministers find some way to resolve the Albanian-Greek frontier problem and made the following appraisal of that problem: “… continual rattling this old claim by Greece seriously affects peace of Balkans and gives Albania excellent excuse to keep army fully mobilized and Soviet to pose as protector little Albania and to supply arms and military advisers. There is nothing that makes Albanians of all political and racial complexions … see red more quickly than proposal to give southern Albania to Greece.” (740.00119 Council/4–2346)↩
- For text of Secretary of State Cordell Hull’s statement of December 10, 1942, see Department of State Bulletin, December 12, 1942, p. 998.↩
- For text of the Pepper resolution, see telegram 76, May 8, to Tirana, infra.↩