CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 20

The Commission had before it a memorandum of the Italian Delegation on the Preamble to the Treaty (OP(IT/P) Doc. 1).32 It was agreed that the Italian proposals would not be treated as amendments unless they were put forward by one of the Delegations. It was agreed, nevertheless, to proceed with a discussion of the Italian memorandum paragraph by paragraph. The Polish, Yugoslav, Czechoslovak, Byelorussian and Ethiopian Delegations spoke against the proposal contained in paragraph 1 of the Italian memorandum. The Netherlands and Belgian Delegations denied the allegation that they had not been in a state of war with Italy; the latter stated that Belgium could not accept a change in the Preamble which would discriminate between the Allied and Associated Powers with respect to their belligerent relationship with Italy.

  1. The memorandum is identical to the memorandum on the Preamble contained in “Observations on the Draft Peace Treaty with Italy by the Italian Government,” vol. iv, p. 117.