I. Pre-conference papers
[1] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
[Washington,] July 16, 1946.
740.0011 EW (PEACE)/7—1646
[2] The Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn) to the Secretary of State
Paris, July 19,
[Received July 20—12:34 p.m.]
[Received July 20—12:34 p.m.]
740.00119 Council/7–1946: Telegram
[3] The Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn) to the Secretary of State
Paris, July 19, 1946—1
[Received July 20—1:23 p.m.]
[Received July 20—1:23 p.m.]
740.00119 Council/7–1946: Telegram
[4] The Minister in Finland (Hamilton) to the Secretary of State
Helsinki, July 19, 1946—2
[Received July 19—6:48 p.m.]
[Received July 19—6:48 p.m.]
740.0011EW/7–1946: Telegram
[5] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
Moscow, July 23, 1946—5
[Received July 23—2:15 p.m.]
[Received July 23—2:15 p.m.]
740.00119 EW/7–2346: Telegram
[7] Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Southern European Affairs (Dowling)
[Washington,] July 24, 1946.
CFM Files
[8] The Department of State to the Egyptian Legation
, July 25,
740.0011 EW (peace)/7–2346
[9] The Chargé in Italy (Key) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn), at Paris
Rome, July 25, 1946—12
[Received July 29.]
[Received July 29.]
CFM Files: Telegram
[10] The Italian Ambassador (Tarchiani) to the Counselor of the Department of State (Cohen)
[Washington,] July 25, 1946.
CFM Files
[11] The Chargé in Italy (Key) to the Secretary of State
Rome, July 25, 1946.
[Received, July 31—10:39 a.m.]
[Received, July 31—10:39 a.m.]
740.00119 EW/7–2546: Airgram
[12] The Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn) to the Secretary of State
Paris, July 26, 1946—1
[Received July 26—4:50 p.m.]
[Received July 26—4:50 p.m.]
740.00119 Council/7–2646: Telegram
[13] The Italian Ambassador (Tarchiani) to the Secretary of State
Washington, July 26, 1946.
740.00119 EW/7–2646
[14] The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers, at Paris
Washington, July 27, 1946—4
740.00119 Council/7–2746: Telegram
[15] The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
Paris, July 28, 1946.
[Received July 28—1:15 p.m.]
[Received July 28—1:15 p.m.]
740.00119 Council/7–2846: Telegram