CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 63

The Commission in its 37th and probably last meeting approved the Record of the 35th and 36th meetings and Annex 4 of the 28th meeting. Approval of the Record of the 34th meeting, which included the all-night discussion of the Report on the Bulgarian Treaty, was deferred.2 The Soviet Delegation indicated that they wanted a much fuller report than had been submitted.

The Report on the Bulgarian Treaty was unanimously adopted in its final form with only a few minor changes.3

  1. It was expected that approval could be obtained without another formal meeting of the Commission (CFM Files: United States Delegation Minutes). Such proved to be the case.
  2. For text of the report, C.P.(Plen) Doc. 19, October 7, see vol. iv, p. 517.