CFM Files
United States Delegation Minutes
[The following discussion occurred prior to the withdrawal by the Czechoslovak Delegation of amendment C.P.(Gen)Doc.1.Q.7:]
General Balmer (U.S.) expressed the support of the United States Delegation for the Czechoslovak amendment (CP (Gen) Doc. 1.Q.7) to Article 10 of the Draft Treaty with Hungary. He indicated that United States support was contingent on a slight re-wording of the text. General Dove (U.K.) stated that he thought the principle involved in this Czech amendment was the same as that of the Greek amendment to Article 9 of the Bulgarian Treaty. If the two words [Page 602] “maintenance and” were removed, as proposed by the U.S., the U.K. Delegation would support the Czech amendment. General Pika (Czechoslovakia) proposed to withdraw part of the amendment, but for moral not strategic reasons. Since the Chairman found that the Czechs were only withdrawing the first three words of the English text of their amendment, the New Zealand Delegation expressed its support for it. General Slavin (U.S.S.R.) stated that he believed Article 10 was quite sufficient to satisfy the desires of Czechoslovakia. He urged the Czechs not to encourage the dangerous road adopted by some of his colleagues on the Council of Foreign Ministers, i.e., not to stick to agreements. He said there was a great difference between the democratic paths of some countries and the reactionary paths of others, specifically the Greeks. He asked the Czech Delegation to withdraw their amendment. General Pika said that he saw sense in General Slavin’s statements and withdrew his amendment.