CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 2

M. Fouques Duparc served as temporary Chairman of the Committee, M. Spaak (Belgium) and M. Kardelj (Yugoslavia) were nominated [Page 33] for the position of permanent Chairman. The Delegations supporting M. Spaak (Australia, Greece, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom) stressed his experience and ability. The Delegations supporting M. Kardelj (U.S.S.R., Ukraine and Poland) held the view that political considerations should be taken into account and that Yugoslavia’s great contribution to the war made M. Kardelj a logical choice. A secret ballot was taken and M. Spaak was elected by 13 votes to 7 with 1 abstention. M. Kardelj was unanimously elected Vice Chairman.

Mr. Byrnes proposed that meetings of the Committee on Procedure be open to the press and that the Committee recommend to the Plenary Conference that its meetings and those of the commissions likewise be open to the press. The Soviet Delegation supported the proposal and it was unanimously accepted.5

  1. The Commission also agreed to avoid holding plenary sessions of the Conference simultaneously with meetings of the Commission.

    Procedural difficulties were encountered in electing a Chairman. Several delegates spoke at length repeatedly; the meeting lasted for nearly three and a half hours.