CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 38
The Chairman suggested October 5 as a probable date for the completion of the Commission’s work and, in order to facilitate its deliberations, proposed the appointment of a subcommission to study and report on the Statute for Trieste. The proposal was put in the form of a motion by Mr. Officer (Australia) and debated for 2½ hours. Finally, it was passed unanimously in the following form:
“A subcommission composed of representatives of Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Netherlands, Poland and Yugoslavia shall be appointed to investigate the Statute for Trieste and report on this subject to the Commission as soon as possible.”
A U.K. proposal advanced during the discussion was likewise adopted unanimously but modified by a Yugoslav amendment. The British proposal and the Yugoslav amendment are, respectively:
- (1)
- “The Delegates are invited to submit their views in writing on the Permanent Statute of Trieste for the guidance of the subcommission. [Page 417] As Commission documents they will be available to the press and public.”
- (2)
- “The Commission, after finishing discussion on the Italo-Yugoslav frontier, will discuss the Statute of Trieste. The subcommission will be established immediately and will ascertain on what points there is agreement and on what points there is disagreement. The subcommission cannot deal with questions of substance on which there is disagreement before the general debate in the Commission is concluded.”
Mr. Dunn (U.S.A.) withdrew the American proposals, which had not yet been discussed by the C.F.M., to Article 3, paragraph 2; Article 4, paragraph 2; and Article 16, Section II, paragraph B–1 and paragraph B–2.
M. Bebler (Yugoslavia) addressed the Commission in defense of the second sector of the proposed Yugoslav line, i.e., the Venetian Slovenia portion.