CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 36

The records of the 9th and 11th meetings were accepted with some minor changes in wording but approval of the Record of the 10th meeting was adjourned to the end of the meeting for clarification and was further adjourned to the next meeting. A time limit for the tabling of amendments based on the Finnish and Balkan memoranda was set at midnight, September 11. Discussion was resumed on whether to vote on Article 58 immediately or whether to await interpretation of the word “property” by the Economic Commission for Italy. The Commission authorized the Rapporteur to address a letter requesting this interpretation to the Chairman of the Economic Commission for Italy and rejected a motion of General Slavin (USSR) to vote at once on Article 58 and in so doing, accepted Mr. Alexander’s (U.K.) [Page 398] proposal to defer the vote until interpretation of the word “property” had been received.55 The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. September 9.

  1. Regarding earlier discussion of article 58, the Greek amendment thereto, and the definition of “property,” see the United States Delegation Journal accounts of the 10th Meeting, September 4, and the 11th Meeting, September 5, pp. 360 and 374, respectively. The Economic Commission for Italy rendered an interpretation at its 15th Meeting, September 12. The Military Commission took final action on article 58 at its 21st Meeting, September 19. For the United States Delegation Journal accounts of these meetings, see pp. 444 and 485, respectively.