CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 30

M. Rueff (France) suggested that the Commission defer consideration of the South African amendment to Article 22 (Reparation) [C.P. (Gen) Doc. 1. S. 2], which proposes that Rumania should pay fair prices for commodities used for reparation obtained from UN nationals. After some discussion, during which the representatives [Page 329] of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia spoke against the amendment, the Commission agreed that the discussion of the South African amendment should be deferred, and should take place, at the latest, immediately after the examination of Article 30 of the Rumanian Treaty. At the Chairman’s suggestion that the South African amendment was a new proposal not really constituting any change in the agreed CFM draft, the Commission agreed to vote on Article 22 and approved it unanimously.

The representative of Poland then explained to the Commission that Article 23 (Restitution) did not cover the claims Poland had against Rumania. He stated that during the fall of 1939 the Polish Army and a number of Polish refugees had taken refuge in Rumania from the German invasion and that they had carried with them property, including rolling stock and other materials which had been taken over by the Rumanian Government and not returned to Poland. He expressed the hope that the Commission would approve the extension of the Restitution Article expressed in the Polish amendments [C.P. (Gen.)Doc.1.O.8]. The Czechoslovak and Yugoslav representatives spoke in favor of the Polish amendments and the Commission agreed to defer further discussion to the next meeting.