Memorandum by Charles E. Bohlen, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State 24
In order to assure that the cases appearing before the Security Council25 are thoroughly worked out in advance from the point of [Page 11] view of the policies of the U.S., it is essential that some machinery of coordination be set up between the geographic offices and SPA which deals with specifically UNO matters.
I would suggest, therefore, that the Directors of geographic offices and of SPA designate some person in the office, possibly the Deputy Directors, to coordinate this work in relation to cases falling within their geographic areas so that when a given case is under preparation involving U.S. position with reference to one or the other of the geographic areas, the political aspect of the question as well as the specifically UNO aspect will be fully covered. I shall undertake to notify the geographic offices as far in advance as possible of cases which are to appear before the Security Council or which are likely to be brought up and will also be glad to assist any working groups which may be set up in regard to any specific case. If the Directors of the offices will notify me of the names of the persons they designate for this purpose, a meeting might be arranged in which to discuss the procedure.
- Addressed to the Directors of Geographic Offices—European Affairs (Matthews), Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson), Far Eastern Affairs (Vincent), American Republics Affairs (Briggs)—and to the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Hiss).↩
- The Security Council was scheduled to reconvene in New York on March 25.↩