Memorandum of Transatlantic Telephone Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Commercial Policy (Brown)
Mr. Peterson82 called to say that the British would not give any decision as to the inclusion of Norway, Chile and Lebanon before August 7 and as to the distribution of the Charter before August 9. He said he thought so far as the first was concerned the decision would be favorable, but with regard to the second he thought the British would decide it was an unwise thing to do at this time.
I told Mr. Peterson I would consult with Mr. Wilcox and cable him our reaction immediately but that I thought we would probably decide [Page 1341] to go ahead with the distribution. We had made our plans for discussion of the Charter with a number of countries and wanted them to have time to consider it before the talks; we also planned to hold a meeting in Washington, before the October 15 meeting, of all the Government officials who had participated in the talks. In view of this, I did not think we would want to delay any longer.
Mr. Peterson said he would convey this reaction (after receiving our telegram) to Mr. Helmore whom he planned to see on August 3.
With regard to the October 15 meeting, Mr. Peterson said he was continuing to press for provision of personnel by the British and exploring other possible sources. He felt the meeting should certainly take place sometime in October. I said that we, too, were doing all we could to provide a staff.
I called Mr. Peterson back and told him we were sending him the attached cable83 immediately, and summarized its contents for him in case he met with Mr. Helmore before August 3.