500.A/12—2846: Telegram
The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:42 p.m.]
998. Following letter from Gromyko to SYG74 regarding implementation of GA resolution on reduction of armaments, dated December 27, was received by the delegation at 3 p.m. December 28 over the UN news line with notation that it was for press release at 6 p.m. December 28:
“I have the honour to request you to include in the agenda of the next meeting of the SC on 31 December an item on the consideration of the following proposal which I make on behalf of my government.
‘Considering that the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces is the most important measure for the strengthening of international peace and security and that the implementation of the GA’s decision on this question is one of the most urgent and most important tasks facing the SC, the Council resolves: [Page 1105]
- 1.
- To proceed with the working out of practical measures on the implementation of the GA’s decision of 14 December 1946, on the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces and on the establishment of international control assuring the reduction of armaments and armed forces.
- 2.
- To establish a commission of the representatives of countries members of the SC which has to be charged to prepare and submit to the SC within a period of from one to two months but not later than three months its proposals in accordance with paragraph 1 of this decision’.
Please accept, Mr. Secretary-General, the assurance of my very high esteem to you.”
- Secretary General of the United Nations (Trygve H. Lie).↩