890.0146/11–2146: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

4195. After reviewing American plans for construction of Pacific bases, Red Fleet November 19 major article by Ocherski “USA and [Page 682] Japanese mandated islands” comments as follows on American draft agreement for trusteeship over former Japanese mandated islands.

USA is striving to retain former Jap islands in Pacific to set up powerful bases to maintain very strong Pacific fleet. What has brought this about? American military circles explain it by necessity for national defense; only simpletons can believe that construction of bases thousands of kilometers from US frontiers can be dictated by interests of national defense.

Admiral Sherman revealed true idea of American measures. He recently stated ‘if we control oceans our frontier will run along coasts of other countries … we can attack any target within radius of action of our air forces and other arms located on board our ships’. Thus Admiral Sherman openly admits US imperialist aspirations, and they are far from constituting interests of defense.

Above cited facts illuminate present US Pacific policy and reflect views of influential business and military circles, proponents of militarism and imperialism who prefer power politics to policy of international collaboration. Draft agreement now advanced by US for trusteeship over former Jap mandated islands is only part of general US policy in Pacific bases. This draft … is in flagrant contradiction with usages of international law and UN Charter. … “Even conservative American press regards draft plan as direct annexation of 15,000 Pacific islands under guise of trusteeship “American radio commentator Estelle Sternberger … opposes ‘US utilization of Pacific islands as aggressive act aimed at Soviet Union’. “American draft agreement … reflects policy of imperialistic elements which ignore international collaboration and seek to impose their will on others with aid of force”.

Dept please repeat Tokyo, Nanking.
