868.00/8–945: Telegram

The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

823. My telegram 810, August 6.78 Regent issued statement last night saying his hopes for political government able reconcile opposing views and thus assure internal order and united front on national claims have not been justified. Feels therefore service government is only form possible and has again entrusted Voulgaris with formation. Announcement new cabinet members expected shortly.79

2. [Telegram] from Attlee80 to Regent released yesterday stating British Government desires help reconstruct country and “hold elections under conditions of freedom and [tranquility?]”. Also hopes Varkiza Agreement fully carried out and is “disturbed at reports concerning misconduct of the faction of the right in contravention of this Agreement”. Also attributes importance to execution by Voulgaris Government on measures if established prevent transgression Agreement “by extremists of either right or left”. Finally hopes “law and order will be established in all Greece so that Greek people may express its will as soon as possible.” [Regent] replied agreeing absolutely with spirit of views expressed.

  1. Not printed.
  2. This closed a period of governmental crisis which had begun late in July, and which was marked by demands on the part of Centrist and Leftist groups for a political government, and in the course of which the Regent engaged in extensive consultations with the party leaders.

    Earlier in the summer there had been numerous and widespread rumors of a projected royalist coup d’état, the persistence of which impelled Ambassador MacVeagh on July 23 to inform the Greek Prime Minister that “it is my impression” that the United States would probably refrain from recognizing any government so installed.

  3. The Labor Government headed by Clement R. Attlee took office in Great Britain on July 26.