868.00/8–945: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
6704. Potsdam proposal for supervision Greek elections by US, UK, Soviet and French Govts was unacceptable to Russians. We now propose acting on previous US and UK agreement that supervision should be undertaken on tripartite basis in spite of Russian refusal to participate, and hope that this basis will be agreeable to both French and Greek Govts.
Following is Depts suggested text for public release at date to be decided upon after consultation with British, French and Greek Govts:
“The US Govt, in accordance with responsibilities which it accepted at the Crimea Conference to assist the peoples of European countries formerly occupied or dominated by Nazi Germany in solving their political problems by democratic means and in creating democratic institutions of their own choice, is prepared to send to Greece, at such time in the near future as is decided in consultation with the Greek Govt, a commission to aid in securing the free expression, by secret ballot, of the will of the Greek people. In this disinterested duty, undertaken with the sincere desire of demonstrating friendly interest in the Greek people who have suffered so cruelly at the hands of Axis aggressors, the US Govt will share the responsibility on an equal basis with representatives of the British and French Govts. This decision has received the willing concurrence of the Greek authorities as an implementation of the Varkiza Agreement of February 12, 1945, Article 9 of which provides for Allied assistance in the holding of a plebiscite and elections. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which finds itself unable to accept an invitation to participate in this task, will be kept fully informed of all developments in Greece.”
London please transmit above text to Brit FonOff with following suggested procedure. After British concurrence, French FonOff will be approached by Brit and US Ambs with same suggestion. If French are agreeable to tripartite action, Greek concurrence will be requested by Brit, French and US Ambs in Athens. On date later to be agreed, simultaneous similar biit not identical announcements will be made in London, Paris, Washington, and Athens. Moscow will inform Soviet Govt of developments shortly before public announcements.
In order save time, on receipt Brit FonOff concurrence in principle London should inform Paris, citing this telegram and repeating to Dept, Moscow, and Athens. US Amb in Paris should then concert with Brit colleague in approach to French Govt without awaiting [Page 135] further instruction from Dept. If French concur, Paris should inform Athens, repeating to Dept, London, and Moscow.
US Amb in Athens will then concert with Brit and French colleagues to consult Greek Govt without further instructions from Dept, reporting date agreeable to Greek Govt. After final clearance Dept will authorize release date of public announcements.
Sent to London as Depts no. 6704, to Paris as no. 3754, to Athens as no. 799, repeated to Moscow as no. 1777 of even date.