881.00/8–2545: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Fullerton) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9 p.m.]
5157. From Villard. Ref Embassy’s despatch 2944, Aug. 23.75 Tangier Conference yesterday adopted following resolution regarding approach to be made to Spanish Govt:
“The démarches to the Spanish Govt for the purpose of securing the evacuation of the Tangier Zone by the Spanish administration and the [Page 649] putting into force of the agreement annexed to the Final Act, must be undertaken immediately by the French and British Govts.”
There follows the text of a proposed communication to be delivered at Madrid by representatives of the British and French Govts. This text has received the approval of all but the Soviet delegation, which is reserving its position on the entire question of Spain pending instructions from Moscow.
“In accordance with instructions received from their respective Govts, the British Embassy and the representative of the French Govt at Madrid have the honor to make the following communication to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- “1. The Spanish Govt are aware that a Conference has been held in Paris concerning the international regime in Tangier between representatives of the Govts of the US, the UK, France and the USSR and the present communication is made in accordance with the conclusions reached unanimously at that Conference.
- “2. A certified copy of the text of agreement signed by the Govts of the UK and of France at the conclusion of that Conference is transmitted herewith and: the Tangier Powers are invited to accede to this agreement in accordance with article blank thereof.
- “3. This agreement provides for the restoration of the international regime at Tangier on the (date) on the basis of the Tangier Convention of 1923 as amended in 1928 subject to certain modifications which are regarded as immediately necessary. The Tangier Statute as so modified is to continue as a provisional regime until, as a result of a future conference of the Algeciras Powers, a revised Tangier Statute is put into force. The Govts of the USA and the USSR are being invited to collaborate in the provisional regime.
- “4. It is open to the Spanish Govt to participate in the provisional regime. In any case the Spanish Govt is requested to hand over to the Committee of Control on the (date) the administration of the zone and to carry out the other provisions of paragraphs a, b, and c of article IV of the agreement. Further, in order to facilitate the transfer of the administration, the Govts of the UK and France trust that the Spanish Govt will instruct the present administration of the Zone immediately to collaborate with the Committee of Control, which will meet as soon as possible and before (date) in making arrangements for the transfer and to offer every facility to the Committee and the members of the new international administration.”
Copies sent to Tangier, London, Moscow and Madrid by courier. [Villard.]
- Not printed; it transmitted the preliminary texts of the Final Act of the Conference and the Anglo-French Agreement.↩