881.00/8–2345: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Fullerton) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:30 p.m.]
5103–A. From Villard. ReEmbassy telegram 4977 Aug 17, 7 p.m. At our suggestion Tangier Conference yesterday decided to omit any reference in final agreement to commercial wireless telegraph or radio broadcasting and to consent instead to a reservation on our part reading as follows:
“The U.S. Govt agrees to give sympathetic consideration with a view to the application to American ressortissants in the Tangier Zone of such regulations as may be adopted by the Committee of Control looking to the supervision of commercial radio telegraphy and broadcasting in the general interest of the public.”
Both the British and French delegations expressed the strong hope that the U.S. would cooperate to the limit of its ability in interim regime to prevent “chaos” in field of radio and wireless which might ensue from unrestricted operations of numerous stations in the Tangier Zone. Despite repeated efforts we were unable to find a formula to include in the terms of the agreement which would meet the Dept’s position and at the same time placate the British and French.
Approval is requested by Dept of text of reservation to be included in our reply to invitation to collaborate in provisional administration of Tangier. [Villard.]