Memorandum by General Marshall to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have just returned a few minutes ago from my hearings on the Hill and have to be back for the resumption of hearings at two o’clock, therefore this is a very hurried communication.
I have just had brought to my attention a memorandum to you of December 10 from Mr. Vincent33 enclosing a re-draft of a portion of the policy towards China in order to shorten it. While I have only had a hurried opportunity to read the re-draft I am sending this note to ask you please not to come to any decision in the matter until I have an opportunity to discuss it with you.
From my superficial examination, I feel that the re-draft not only shortens the original paper too much, but weakens its statements very seriously and in places changes the meaning.
Faithfully yours,
- Not printed.↩