Political conditions in China prior to the Japanese surrender; good offices of Ambassador Hurley to end conflict between the National Government and the Communists (January–August) 1
1. For previous documentation on political conditions in China, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. vi, pp. 299 ff.
[153] Memorandum by the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Ludden)
[154] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Hurley)
893.00/1–2545: Airgram
[155] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 12—6:45 p.m.]
893.00/2–745: Telegram
[156] Memorandum by the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Ludden)
[157] Memorandum by Messrs. John S. Service and Raymond P. Ludden to the Commanding General, U. S. Forces, China Theater (Wedemeyer)
Nanking Embassy Files–Lot F–73
[158] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:07 p.m.]
893.00B/2–1545: Telegram
[159] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Hurley)
893.00/2–1645: Telegram
[160] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 17—6:10 p.m.]
893.00/2–1745: Telegram
[161] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:55 p.m.]
893.00/2–1845: Telegram
[162] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 18—10:25 a.m.]
893.00/2–1845: Telegram
[163] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 18—10:05 a.m.]
893.00/2–1845: Telegram
[164] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 19—2:10 p.m.]
893.00/2–1945: Telegram
[165] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 19—12:48 p.m.]
893.00/2–1845: Telegram
[166] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 18—6:02 p.m.]
893.00/2–1845: Telegram
[167] The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 20—1:06 p.m.]
893.00/2–1945: Telegram
[168] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 19—5:35 p.m.]
893.00/2–1945: Telegram
[169] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:35 p.m.]
893.00/2–2045: Telegram
[170] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 25—2:50 p.m.]
893.00/2–2445: Telegram
[171] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:27 p.m.]
893.00/2–2645: Telegram
[172] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:16 a.m.]
893.00/2–2745: Telegram
[173] Memorandum by the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Sprouse), Temporarily in the United States
[174] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:07 p.m.]
893.00/2–2845: Telegram
[175] The Second Secretary of Embassy in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 13.]
[176] Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs (Vincent)
[177] Memorandum by Mr. Everett F. Drumright of the Division of Chinese Affairs
[178] Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Ballantine) to the Under Secretary of State (Grew)
[179] Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to President Roosevelt
[180] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 2—5:20 p.m.]
893.00/3–245: Telegram
[181] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 3—12:50 a.m.]
893.00/3–245: Telegram
[182] The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 4—1:35 p.m.]
893.00/3–345: Telegram