740.00112 EW/10–1645

The Norwegian Chargé (Jorstad) to the Secretary of State

The Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of Norway presents his compliments to His Excellency the Secretary of State and has the honor, acting under instructions from his Government, to ask the United States Government to consider the negotiation of an agreement concerning liberated ships.

Negotiations for a liberated ships agreement between the Norwegian Government and the Government of the United Kingdom have taken place in London and an agreement was signed on October 11, 1945. The agreement is based on a “Memorandum concerning the use and disposal of United Nations vessel captured or found by their forces in the course of operations for the liberation of Europe”, submitted by the British negotiators, a letter from the Norwegian Ambassador to London to the British Foreign Office of June 5th, 1944 and the reply from the Foreign Office of August 7th, 1944. Copies of the three documents are enclosed.17

The Chargé d’Affaires has the honor to suggest that an agreement similar to the one negotiated between the Governments of Norway and the United Kingdom be concluded between the Government of the United States and the Norwegian Government. An Agreement as the one contemplated would solve the questions relating to the Norwegian S/S Darss, which was referred to in the Chargé d’Affaires note No. 803 of October 10, 1945.

No. 808

  1. None printed.